The Into The Jungle program by Vayam Adventures is an adventurous experience for the youth who want to learn about forest, wildlife and learn about problems faced by the people who are living inside the jungle. This will connect them back with nature and teach them the importance of the Forest ecosystem. During this program a small group of people learns to tread through back-country forest, with the objective of getting from point A to point B over a period of 12 Hours/ 24 Hours. A marked map, camping & survival gear rations, and professional guidance will be provided. The group learns to take multiple wilderness-based decisions to chalk their way through the forest. It is for people that can find strength in themselves both physically & mentally. It is for people who are capable of facing uncertainty with a cool mind. It is for people who are eager to learn how to exist & survive in an outdoor environment.

Jungle Camping and Trekking

Jungle Survival Course

24 Hour Jungle Survival Course